Is a Manual Ramp Right for Me?

Is a Manual Ramp Right for Me?

manual ramp on rear entry wheelchair van

A motorized lift for your wheelchair accessible conversion van may sound like the obvious choice, but is it the right choice for you? Many wheelchair accessible vehicles are available with manual ramps. These ramps are easy to operate and can be very affordable. Lets look at some of the benefits of manual ramps in wheelchair accessible conversion vans:


Manual Ramps Are Lightweight and Safe

Toyota Sienna wheelchair accessible rear entry van

Motorized lifts add weight to the vehicle with the addition of motors and other mechanical parts. The additional weight can require structural reinforcements to the vehicle as well. This feature also limits stress on the vehicle and can save on gas mileage! Our wheelchair accessible minivans feature sturdy and lightweight spring-assisted, manual ramps. The ramps have a powder coated, texturized surface to reduce slips and improve traction when entering and exiting the vehicle.


Manual Ramps Are Affordable

When converting a vehicle into a special needs accessible vehicles, fewer modifications to the frame, body, and electrical system are needed to install manual ramps. That translates to lower production cost and those savings are passed on to you!


No Motors to Maintain and Repair

Manual ramps are easy and affordable to maintain. With a manual ramp, there are no motors to maintain or repair. This makes the upkeep of a manual ramp affordable and durable.


Manual Wheelchair Ramps Are Easy to Use

Manual wheelchair ramps are user-friendly and require very few steps. The rear entry manual ramp on our Wheelchair Accessible vans has two clamps, one on each side of the ramp, that hold it in place when not in use. Simply squeeze the handle and pull it forward. You’ll then repeat the step to release the other clamp. The lightweight, spring assisted ramp will now be free to move. When you are finished using the ramp and it is raised back into place, line up the ramp, and push each handle down until you hear a click. Your ramp will then be secure. It’s really that easy!


If you would like more information about our wheelchair accessible minivans or our other vehicles, we are more than happy to help! Please feel free to email or call us today at (888) 474-1235.


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We provide clients with high-end vehicles designed to support and accommodate their special needs. In addition, we provide several amenities to the ambulance and paratransit industry which include medical equipment, consulting services, and customized software. 

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